Friday, May 14, 2010

Fashion Statement

The oddest fashion we saw our entire trip to Italy was at the very outset, in New York. We wandered into a very popular "French" bistro in Soho, Balthazar. The food was good and the room was filled with good looking people, many of them waiting for tables. We sat at a tray sized table next to the bar.

"Waiter, there's a fanny in my soup!"

A blonde walked up to the bar with her friends and ordered a drink. Do you know what tulle is? That stiff fabric ballerinas wear that you can see right through?

This gal was wearing a beige tulle skirt cut all different lengths and sticking out in all directions. It had big GASHES cut in the back of the skirt. I think she was wearing a thong under it, but I didn't check.

Her rear end was almost on our table. I mean I could have poked her with my fork. On the top she was wearing a shawl made out of burlap, the fabric potato bags used to be made of. Her friends all looked stylin. She kept clutching at her shawl but honey that wasn't covering the part that needed covering.

It really looked like an outfit from a classic bad dream but she made the choice to wear it, and we had to look at it.


Mars Tokyo said...

quelle horreur !!!!

and I was hoping Italy was more civilized than us.

Namowal (Jennifer Bourne) said...

On one hand, she gets points with me for being bold enough to wear something insane. On the other hand, for every fun person in this category, there's the "I-don't-conform-because-I'm-above-such-things" snob. The person who dresses goofy and bemoans how everyone "judges" them...

booda baby said...

Bless her and then EXACTLY what Namowal said. I LOVE what Namowal said. Haven't we all had to suffer just that complaint from acquaintances who dare to dress without any fricking sense at all?

stray said...


RHSteeleOH said...

"I could have poked her with my fork" - That was hilarious.

This reminds me of what my parents used to say about kids wanting to wear jeans with holes in them. "If they had to wear them, they wouldn't be happy"

Linda Davick said...

Dressing for dinner out is never easy.