Wednesday, June 13, 2007

got Blackberry?

another ugly picture!
My birthday present, perhaps. Do you have one? Do you like it? We're going to be travelling more next year, and Jon thinks we need one of these. I get minus zero phone calls most days, but I am an internet fiend. I've never had a cel phone. I don't even have a laptop.

What I really want is a phone like Linda D. designed...

Clicking on the above link will make your day/week I guarantee. Brilliant and Hysterical! Ultra ultra desirable and peculiar and perfectly designed... as usual... not sure if it's approp to post an image in my blog from this futuristic emotional phone so I'll keep the ugly dotty image I've got.

Once I saw a cel phone that actually heated up in relationship to the caller... for under 30s only. You assigned temperature to people in your phone book.

I'm a phone phobic. If any of you have berry experience, give me some advice, please. Otherwise I'm dependent on cnet, and they are usually cruising a year behind, as I've observed.


Anonymous said...

Here's the URL for that cel phone Linda D. designed:

Anonymous said...

But since you can't have the cel phone that Linda D. designed, wait JUST 15 MORE DAYS, and get this:

Sally said...

Yes, the minute the iPhone is out, Pat will have one. He can't wait! From the audience of Steve Jobs' keynote speech at MacWorld, Pat was text messaging me: "Go to Apple Store. Buy iPhone." I was AT the Apple Store checking my email at the time. But they didn't have the iPhone yet.

Meanwhile, I don't have a blackberry, but I have "blackberry thumb" (tendonitis, not arthritis; that's my story and I'm sticking to it). Massage therapist helps.

Anonymous said...

Nah---stay away from that stuff. If he (Jon) wants a bberry let him look after it. Stressed tech guys I've worked with use them, and they only add to the stress, distraction and interruption. My favorite tech guy (and one of the best) refused to have a cell phone.

Linda Davick said...

Cel phone aside, how will I be able to assist Sally with her Actionscript3 while she's travelling if she doesn't have a device like this :^D

You can't have Flash player on a BlackBerry. Will it be available for the iPhone? I can't seem to find a definitive answer.

... 14 days and counting

Sally said...

Pat thinks Flash player should work for iPhone since it has a browser. I guess we'll all find out soon.

Sally said...

But do you have to leave the buds in your ear to answer the phone? I don't like the way blue ray? tooth? word? phones are making people walk around looking like they're crazy, making hand gestures and talking out loud to nobody. And I also don't like tiny keyboards.

I use my Wacom tablet all day and am comfortable with a tablet pen, so maybe I need some form of Palm software, or maybe I'll just sit this dance out! Thanks for advice.

Sally said...

Maybe when Pat gets the iPhone, I can photograph him using it and post info. He thinks it's the greatest thing ever.

Anonymous said...

Have you heard about the Nokia N93?

Sally said...

It looks as if I need something that works with Verizon, because that gives the best service near Telluride, where we spend a lot of time. I heard on the radio that the iphone doesn't work well with Windows apps. Also I don't need the music part of it. The nokia looked great but it doesn't work with Verizon.

Anonymous said...

I just heard that the iPhone will play YouTube video clips. We'll be able to watch Quasi at the Quackadero on the PHONE!