Monday, August 06, 2007

What's nice about dial-up: reading

The first part of this year I read maybe four books:

Stones for Ibarra-- (seemed dated)
The Beat Hotel (very interesting non-fiction)
Twilight of the Ice- couldn't get past awkward phrasing
I Carried Water for the Elephants- I threw it in the trash, fake cute drek.

The rest of the time I seem to be on line going here and there.

In three weeks in Colorado I read:

Wuthering Heights (weirder when you're older)
Jane Eyre (sublime sensitivity and description of female ideal of romance)
Firewall (Henning Mankell, my current favorite author-- Scandinavian detective
The White Bicycle (about music in the 50's-60's- written well)
Streets of Laredo - couldn't put it down though not as deep as Lonesome Dove
Weather in the Streets Rosamund Lehmann
The Skin Chairs Barbara Comyns
A Touch of Mistletoe Barbara Comyns
skimmed a book on how to read a compass
Dazzler bio of Moss Hart- more facts than feeling
Flash CS3 Professional/Advanced - well written, made me like it better.

Probably won't read another book until I'm back there. nuts!


Anonymous said...

That's inspiring! I think Sam Gross used to tell me to read Hart's autobiography (Act One?) because it explained comedic timing. Have you read it? Should I? Wuthering Heights, the movie, struck me as weird, also.

Linda Davick said...

You're going to RUIN your eyes if you keep up this reading habit.