Sunday, July 22, 2007

Bob Dylan the Frog

Put a white hat on it, back it with an intense band, scowl, and sound like the last days of Louis Armsfrog in a big cave, and you begin to get the sound of Bob Dylan at 66 on a rainy night in Telluride.

It was nuts! At first it was so nuts that I got totally hysterical and couldn't stop laughing. He totally rephrases all the old songs so you only know what you're hearing if you pick up a line, like "It's all right Mom," or "Don't think twice", but he delivers the lyrics at double speed in this immensely gravelly voice with his big white hat sort of covering his face, and the music almost sounds like an incantation. We enjoyed it, bewildered, but left early as we had a long drive back on a dark and stormy night, and Nervous Nellie me was driving.

The weather wasn't as bad as predicted-- no winds, and it was a lovely crowd of old Telluriders, baby boomers who'd owned most of the lps. We saw a lot of people we hadn't seen in a long time, and everywhere, it was as if the veil of time had draped over everyone.

off to the rodeo today.

1 comment:

Linda Davick said...

Thanks for this incredible report. How was the rodeo?