Here's a picture Dinah drew with the mouse, when I got my first computer around 1997. Emma was a fine chicken... Dinah was around seven.
Today was the day when the chicken left the nest.
I woke up this morning at 1:30 but didn't have to get out of bed till 3:30 am, so thrashed about, thinking of the day ahead. Tia and the goats and Dinah were headed for U.C. Davis today. We'd had a hard confrontational evening last night, just the thing before a major separation, (NOT), and I fell asleep crying.
Dinah and I took separate cars out to the stable at 4:30, but not before she went outside to say goodbye to the chickens, including Elle the rooster in the garage... how dear is that? She's always loved her chickens.
We got to the gated community where the horses live, (I know that sounds odd!), and the guard wouldn't let Dinah through the gate, because her new car didn't have a proper sticker, so she had to call me to drive back down and do some talking and show i.d., never easy for me since I go by my maiden name, and my formal name is Sarah. Then we waited in the dark for the trailer rig to appear, driven by Peggy and her bud Tita.
It was very cold; the weather had changed suddenly. A big storm was predicted, and Tia is prone to colic, which can be life threatening and is sometimes triggered by weather changes. Or any kind of change. And here she was about to go on an 8 hour journey.
Molly was quiet in the back seat. Even though it was her birthday.
Dinah brought Tia upstairs. She was wild, spinning around, neighing, and shaking uncontrollably, which was very scary to see. Horses don't usually act like that, but then it was the middle of the night, sort of.
Her goat buddies were right behind her. Peggy said to get some food for Tia right away, and once Tia started eating, she stopped shaking. She was really scared. Nicole the goat stole a banana I'd brought for Tia, ate the peel and spit out the fruit. Tia loaded up in the trailer, and fat goat Nicole went in too.
But her wicked sister, Margarethe, suddenly had a sense of "TRICK!" and tried to bolt away. When we surrounded her she had a moment of goat panic which is creepy to watch. She got very still and her eyes were sort of closing. Then she climbed in the trailer too. Peggy got out and the door was closed. Peggy has a closed circuit camera set up in the trailer so we could see from the cab video that Tia and goats weren't freaking out yet. The two women headed out on their eight hour journey. Peggy has always had this classic Chatsworth woman look, but as we said goodbye at 6 am I wondered if she had Indian blood (aka Native A.) The way she held her head and took it all in, checked all the details, knew what to do for Tia. Peggy has a big heart. The truck cab smelled of cigarettes and junk food.
Dinah and I walked to our cars, hugged, sobbed, said goodbye. Off she drove in her new blue car. This was: child off to college, end of line for child raising... a fall off the cliff time for me.
IT ALL WENT WELL! Dinah got to Davis two hours before Peggy. Tia seemed happy when she got off the trailer, the new stall is twice as big as in the gated community. She's eating, not looking weird, which is the first sign of colic. The goats kept ramming Dinah in the knees. Dinah sounded VERY happy. (not about the goats' behavior, but because everybody got there okay.)
So I'll get used to this I'm sure.
Sunday it's off to see Mom at the Quaker retirement place, Medford, New Jersey.